Saturday, May 23, 2009

Night Sparks

Night Spark
Tonight we were out as a family enjoying the beautiful view from our porch. Off in the distance, to the north, we could see a big storm brewing. The sky was darkening and the rain was blending the earth and sky together. It was magnificent. My husband went straight for the camera and this is what he caught. Here's how.... aperture was set to F10 and the shutter speed was 15 seconds. The camera was also on a tri-pod - very important. He kept clicking the button until he got the shot. The kids LOVED it. This was time well spent as a family. Go grab your camera on the next storm and see what you get.

What do you see in this picture? A heart? A profile of a man? A chicken? Amazing power!


  1. Okay- you just have to enter this pic into costco's picture contest. It is really neat!

  2. Wow, great photo! We always sat out on our deck and watched the lightening when I was a kid. It was one of my favorite things! --Trin

  3. That is a great picture!! You need to enter it into contests for sure!
